Around 48% of the total population are women, of which only 14.53% are employed in formal and informal sectors Of the 14.53% employed women, around 67% are working in agriculture sector, 16% in industries and 15% in services sector Women face challenges such as Gender Based Discriminations, Domestic Restrictions, Harassment at Work Places, Lower Pay-Scales, Negative Attitudes, Unconducive Policies at Workplaces, etc. Available legislative resources remain untapped or under-utilized because of women’s low status within their employing institutions and state apparatus is not proactive in enforcement of laws organizations representing working women are few in number and lack capacity in negotiating with policy- and decision-makers Women employees in formal sectors are neither organized nor represented in male-dominated employee organizations Over the years, Pakistan has witnessed a gradual rise in the officially- measured economic participation of women in the workforce; however, little attention has been given to address the challenges faced by working women.
1. Enhancing organisational capacities of WWAs to negotiate and advocate for their rights.
2. Enhanced knowledge and skills of women workers, civil society and media to raise demands for improved enforcement of laws.
3. Increased understanding of duty-bearers about changes necessary in legislative and administrative frameworks.
1. On the gender pay gap, representation of women in unions, implementation of anti-harassment policies and disposal of disputes by labour courts.
1. On issues of women workers in newly emerging formal sectors, application of labour laws in CPEC’s Special Economic Zones, roles and issues of women working in agricultural sector, and enforcement of social protection regime.
2. Informed Engagement and Policy Advocacy.
3. Provincial Conferences on Occupation and Safety and Health, Sexual Harassment at Workplaces, Right to Association, Women’s Control on their Income.
4. Engagements with legislators, employers and other stakeholder for promotion and protection of women rights at workplaces8. Engagements with legislators, employers and other stakeholder for promotion and protection of women rights at workplaces.
5. MOUS signing with academic faculties.
6. Dialogues with standing committees, women caucuses, labour departments, etc.
7. Conventions on better workplaces for women within districts.
8. Supporting Legislators in drafting assembly business.
The commitment of National Organization for Working Communities (NOWCommunities) was founded in 2007 – though it was formally registered with the Sindh Government in January 2008.
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