Together for Decent Leather

Duration: NA

Decent Leather is a program that aims to improve working conditions and reduce labor rights abuses by promoting adherence to international labor standards and corporate social responsibility in the leather-based garment, footwear, and accessories value chains in production hubs in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Decent Leather is a project by a European-Asian Consortium consisting of the following organizations: ARISA (the Netherlands), the Bangladesh Labor Foundation (BLF), Cividep India, INKOTA (Germany), NOWCommunities (Pakistan), SOMO (the Netherlands), Sudwind (Austria). Each of the organizations is engaging with the leather workers in their geographical areas intending to reduce the adversities faced by leather workers of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. The partner organizations are, by engaging various stakeholders. The stakeholders include workers, employers, government officials, civil society organizations, and labor activists. For further details, please visit: